Lend Me Your Ears
In my 7 short years of being a business owner I have had a lot of success, but I also made a lot of mistakes and overcame a lot of hurdles to get to this point. I am still growing and learning every day and I would love to be able to use some of my experiences and ideas to help other new business owners as we navigate this minefield together.
Lend Me Your Ears
#41 - Safety Needs To Be First!
John Ceaser
I'm back and I'm coming out swinging! This industry is dangerous, and we need to start acting like it. The same week that pictures of dangerous activity are getting proudly shared one of our own fell off a roof and is in the hospital. Let's smarten up and start cultivating a culture of safety in our companies, no matter the size.
Also, please click this click to donate for Dion: https://gofund.me/06e9cc68